
Fine-tune your skin with the Aqua Gold fine touch micro channeling delivery system. AquaGold fine touch is a patented gold-plated, painless, hair-fine needle system that painlessly delivers custom solutions into the skin at the ideal 600 micron depth.

Who Can Benefit

Anyone who wishes for radiant skin with smaller pores and a smoother texture will benefit. The treatment also improves superficial acne scarring and brightens skin.

How It Works

This single use disposable applicator contains a reservoir that can be filled with ingredients tailored to a patient’s specific skin needs – such as vitamins, enzymes, hormones plant extracts, micro quantities of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid fillers –  it is then applied gently to the surface of the skin.


45-minute appointment.


Results are seen within 3-7 days after treatment and typically last 3-4 months.

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