
An innovative treatment peel that dissolves bonds between cells that carefully removes the top layer of skin revealing the glowing smooth layer underneath. While exfoliating the skin surface, it also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It is a TCA 35% chemical peel that provides:

  • BIOstimulation

  • Revitalization

  • PEELing

Where Biostimulation amplifies the fibroblasts to significantly improve the texture with instant results; Revitalization is responsible for healthy skin formation. Peeling provides skin renewal.

What is the difference between blue & gold?

Blue is for face & neck. Gold is for the body.

Who Can Benefit

This peel is suitable for all skin types, colors and ages. Excellent for those with acne prone, congested skin and skin with pigmentation and scarring (old or new).

How It Works

BioRePeel dissolves bonds between cells allowing it to gently slough off that dulling, top layer of skin, sans downtime, to reveal smooth and glowing underneath. While it exfoliates and removes that thorny top layer, it also stimulates new collagen, new elastin and new growth.

Treatment & results

30-minute appointment. We recommend 3-6 treatments spaced every 2 weeks are recommended for the best results.