
Kybella™is for the treatment of the appearance of a double chin or "turkey neck" by reducing submental fat. The injection can significantly improve chin contouring and smoothness without invasive surgery or significant downtime. Kybella™ is a great way to rejuvenate the appearance of your face, giving it a leaner, more youthful look.

Who Can Benefit

Kybella™is administered into the submental fat under your chin using multiple injections. Kybella™destroys fat cells which reduces the appearance of fat below the chin. When properly injected in the submental area, it has been shown to dissolve fat that causes a double chin, resulting in a more streamlined neck and can improve overall chin profile. Kybella™ is administered in a series of treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Up to 6 treatment sessions may be administered spaced no less than one month apart.

How It Works

Anyone who feels as if there is a little fat pocket under their chin, noticeable especially when their chin is tilted down, or from profile, may be a good candidate.


30-minute appointment.


Within minutes of treatment, the patient can tell the medication is working but results are most noticeable and impressive after 4-6 weeks following each treatment session.

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