
Cryo T Shock breaks down fat cells by starting the treatment with heat then a prolonged period of cold then heat again. This process lowers the temperature of the targeted fat cells to between 6 and -6 degrees C triggering a phenomenon called apoptosis (a natural controlled cell death). Then the body naturally flushes the fat cells out through the bloodstream and then the lymphatic system in a few days to weeks following the treatment. It is a safe, painless and a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. It is most similar to “Cool Sculpting” but is less expensive, painless, and more effective. Once damaged, the fat cells are swept away by the body’s lymphatic system.

Who Can Benefit

Cryo T Shock is for anyone who is looking to lose weight, reduce cellulite, tighten saggy skin or treat stubborn areas of fat they are looking to remove. This should be supplemented with a healthy lifestyle, Diet, and Exercise regimen.

How It Works

Cryo T-Shock uses a hand-held wand that applies both heat and cold initiating thermal shock to the fat cells.  Thermal shock helps to break down the dead fat cells so your body can dispose of them easier. Not only are Cryo T-Shock’s treatments significantly lower in price, it is proven to be more effective.  It is a service that can be done 10-14 days apart depending how quickly your lymphatic system flows. A medium to large package deal (5-10 sessions) with the Cryo T-Shock can run the same amount as a single Cool Sculpting treatment.


60-minute appointment.


Depending on the body part being treated, treatments can be done 1 – 2 times per week or once every two weeks.