
Restylane® fillers add volume beneath your skin and minimize folds and wrinkles. Specific products include Restylane® Lyft for hand and facial volume and Restylane® Defyne for deep wrinkles like laugh lines.

Who Can Benefit

Patients who desire smoothing out wrinkles and lines in the face. This recreates the appearance of youth and healthy skin. Suitable for all skin types. Not suitable for clients who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or prone to bleeding disorders.

How It Works

A professional injector will examine your skin and place injections according to problem areas you wish to address. This injectable targets marionette lines, nasolabial folds and other wrinkles by adding volume to the tissue beneath the wrinkles.


30-minute appointment.


Full results realized in two weeks. Repeat every 3-4 months to maintain results.
